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Group discussing innovation tools with laptop
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Hartmut Hübner’s newsletter, plus a bonus gift! Practical solutions, actionable advice, and exclusive access to The Flow Factor: 16 Tools for Impact and Innovation.

The Flow Factor is the weekly source of inspiration for all who want to drive their teams forward with AI, a strong culture, and innovative strategies.

Previous Issues
August 15, 2024

The Pros & Cons Of A Strong U.S. Dollar

People on beach watching sailing ships in ocean
Cyclist riding fast on black bicycle in city park.
Woman cycling indoors on stationary bike
Cyclist biking on empty rural gravel road.
Woman walking on beach with yoga mat
man in yellow and blue hoodie wearing eyeglasses
Cyclists racing on city street during event.
Cyclist biking on empty rural gravel road.
Person sitting on wall, watching mountain sunset
Cyclist riding fast on black bicycle in city park.
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#21: Lean + AI: Optimize First, Then Automate

#20: As the opportunities for digitalization grow, so do the risks and tensions…

#19: How SMEs Unlock Real ROI with AI – and Avoid the Biggest Trap

#18: Boost Your Workplace Happiness – 10 Things to Do, and 10 Things to Stop Doing

#17: Culture and Brand: A Perfect Partnership for Business Success

#16: Why AI Alone Won’t Save Your Bank – The Missing Ingredient Most Leaders Overlook

#15: From Genius Trap to Growth Powerhouse: How to Build a Culture That Fuels Innovation

#14: Stop Using AI – Start Leading with It

#13: Achieve Clarity and Momentum: Start 2025 by Writing Your Story of Success

#12: Why Hard Work, Dedication and Trust in the Process Pay Off – Lessons from a Champion

Top posts
#1: Discover the Holistic Power of Cycling
#20: As the opportunities for digitalization grow, so do the risks and tensions…
#9: Unlock the Power of AI and Team Support in Your Cycling Journey
#10: Precision Training with Powermeter—Achieving the Sweet Spot of Flow
Clear Selection